Bibliografia e structurată pe următoarele domenii: Natura capitalului, funcții de producție, Interacționism simbolic, Capital
simbolic, Teoria semnalizării - pentru explicarea apariției
capitalului simbolic, Capital relațional, încredere, Capital spiritual, Tipologia valoarilor capitalului natural, Costuri de tranzacție, Co-producție
-aspecte generale, Co-producția serviciilor ecosistemice, Co-producție a planurilor,
politicilor și programelor pentru dezvoltare durabilă, Analiză și design
instituțional, policentricitate în managementul resurselor naturale.
Arhiva cu texte poate (exceptând câteva cărți) poate fi descărcată apăsând pe imaginea de mai jos:
Foto: Marea Galileii, Israel.
Natura capitalului, funcții de producție
Braun E., 2017, The theory of capital as a
theory of capitalism, Journal of Institutional Economics, 13, 305-325
Humphrey T. H., 1997, Algebraic production
functions and their uses before Cobb-Douglas, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Economic Quarterly, 83, 51-83
Lewin P., Cachanovsky N., 2018, Substance and
semantics: the question of capital, Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization, 150, 423-431
Interacționism simbolic
5. Blumer H., 1989, Symbolic interactionism –
Perspective and Method, University of California Press, Berkeley, cota BCU
6. Cordoneanu F., 2014, Identitary character
and social hypostases of Christian-Orthodx feminity, Procedia – Social and Behavioral
Sciences 137, 205-2010
7. Denzin N. K., 2004, Symbolic
interactionism, în Flick U., E. von Kardoff, I. Steinke (editori), A Companion
to Qualitative Research, SAGE
Publications, London, 81-87
8. Fine G. A., 1993, The sad demise,
mysterious disappearance, and glorious triumph of symbolic interactions, Annual
review of sociology, 19, 61-87
9. Jameson F., 1981, The political
unconscious – Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act, Cornell University Press,
Cambridge, cota BCU II 280621
10. Lewis J. D., 1976, The classic American
pragmatists as forerunners to symbolic interactionism, The Sociological
quarterly, 17, 347-359
11. Murray,
E., 1999, Politica și utilizarea
simbolurilor, Ed. Polirom, Iași, cota BCU 316/B59.S4
12. Surdulescu R., 2006, The raping of
identity – Studies on physical and symbolic violence, Institutul European,
Iași, cota BCU I 158945
Capital simbolic
13. Bourdieu
P., R. Nice, 1980, The production of belief: contribution to an economy of
symbolic goods, Media, Culture and Society, 2, 261-293
14. Burton
Upananda, Paragahawewab H., 2011, Creating culturally sustainable
agri-environmental schemes, Journal of Rural Studies, 27, 95-104
15. De
Clercq D., Voronov M., 2009, The role of cultural and symbolic capital in
entrepreneurs’ ability to meet expectations about conformity and innovation,
Journal of Small Business Management, 47, 398-420
Drăgan I. și colab., 1998, Construcția simbolică a câmpului
electoral, Institutul European, Iași.
17. Fuller
T., Tian Y., 2006, Social and symbolic capital and responsible
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Business Ethics, 67, 287-304 [figura 1, foarte bun]
Hariuc C., E. Banciu, 2006, Comunicarea politică, Ed. Ars
Docendi, București
19. Steinmetz
G., 2006, Bourdieu’s Disavowal of Lacan: Psychoanalytic Theory and the Concepts
of “Habitus” and “Symbolic Capital”, Constellations, 13, 445-464
Teoria semnalizării - pentru explicarea apariției capitalului simbolic
20. Balliet
D., Tybur J. M., Van Lange P. A. M., 2016, Functional interdependence theory:
an evolutionary account of social situations, Personality and Social Psychology
Review, 21, 361-388
21. Bliege
Bird R., E. A. Smith, Signaling theory, strategic interaction and symbolic
capital, Current Anthropology, 46, 221-248
22. Chang
C.-W., Chuang C.-M., 2017, Re-interpreting signaling with systems thinking: a
concept for improving decision-making quality, Syst Pract Action Res, DOI
23. Connely
B. L., Certo S. T., Ireland R. D., Reutzel C. R., 2011, Signaling theory: a
review and assessment, Journal of Management, 37, 39-67
25. De
Nardo M., Brooks J. S., Klinsky S., Wilson C., 2017, Social signals and
sustainability: ambiguity about motivations can affect status perceptions of
efficiency and curtailment behaviors, Environ Syst Decis, 37, 184-197
26. Jancenelle
V. E., Javalgi R. R. G., Cavusling E., 2018, The role of economic and normative
signals in international prosocial crowdfunding : an illustration using
market orientation and psychological capital, International Business Review,
27, 208-217
27. Kuhn,
S. L., 2014, Signaling theory and technologies of communication in the
paleolithic, Biol Theory, 9, 42-50
28. Pham
M. N., Barbaro N., Mogliski J. K., Shackelford T. K., Zeigler-Hill V., 2017,
Post-fight respect signals valuations of opponent’s fighting performance,
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43, 407-417
29. Przepiorka
W, Berger J., Signaling theory evolving: signals and signs of trusworthiness in
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30. Pyysiainen
I, Haueser M., The origins of religion: evolved adaptation or by-product ?
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31. Sosis
R., 2006, Religious behaviors, badges, and bans: Signaling theory and the
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32. Sosis
R., Kress H. C., Boster J. S., 2007, Scars for war: evaluating alternative
signaling explanations for cross-cultural variance in ritual costs, Evolution
and Human Behavior, 28, 234-247
33. Winegard
B., Winegard B., Reynolds T., Geary D. C., Baumeister R. F., 2017, One’s Better
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Capital relațional, încredere (parte a celui social, a se vedea și Fueller și Tian 2006 la Capital Simbolic).
34. Castelfranchi
C., Falcone R., Marzo F., 2006, Being trusted in a social network:Trust as relational
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35. Frey
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36. Przepiorka
W., Norbutas L., Corten R., 2017, Order without law: reputation promotes
cooperation in a cryptomarket for illegal drugs, European Sociological Review,
33, 752-764
38. Sosis
R., 2005, Does religion promote trust ? The role of signaling, reputation, and
punishment, Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion, 1, 1-30
Capital spiritual
39. Barro,
R. J., McCleary R. M. , 2003, Religion and Economic Growth across Countries,
American Sociological Review, 68, 760-781
40. Bomberg
E., Hague A., 2018, Faith-based climate action in Christian
congregations : mobilisation and spiritual resources, Local Environment,
23, 582-596
41. Bosch
M., Torralba F., Gracia C., 2013, Aristotle and spiritual capital, Ramon Llull
Journal of Applied Ethics, 4, 67-86
43. Chuvieco
E., Burgui M., 2016, Impact of religious affiliation on ethical values in
Spanish environmental activists, Religions, 7, doi:10.3390/rel7050046
44. Cordier
R., Milbourn B., Martin R., Buchanan A., Chung D., Speyer R., 2017, A
systematic review evaluating the psychometric properties of measures of social
inclusion, PLOS One, 12(6):e0179109.
46. Finke
R., Spiritual Capital: definitions, applications, and new frontiers, Penn State
47. Garner
A., 2003, Spirituality and Sustainability, Conservation Biology, 17, 946
48. Grussendorf
S., 2016, Bourdieu’s field, capital and habitus in religion, Journal for the
Sociological Integration of Religion and Society, 6, 1-13
50. Lawson
J. T., 2012, The emergent sea of nature and religion: a study of faith-based
responses to issues on environmental sustainability, PhD Theses, Deakin
51. Marsh
C., 2010, Orthodox spiritual capital and Russian reform, în Berger P. L., Redding G. (editori), The Hidden
Form of Capital: Spiritual Influences in Societal Progress, Anthem Press,
London, 171-189
52. Maselko
J., Hughes C., Cheney R., 2011, Religious social capital: its measurement and
utility in the study of the social determinants of health, Soc. Sci. Med, 71,
53. Montemaggi
F. E. S., 2011, The enchanting dream of “Spiritual Capital”, Implicit Religion,
14, 67-86
54. Morrison
M., Duncan R., Parton K., 2015, Religion does matter for climate change
attitudes and behavior, PLoS ONE, 10(8): e0134868,
58. Sluka R. D., Kaonga M., Weatherley J., Anand
V., Bosu D., Jackson C., 2011, Christians, biodiversity conservation and
poverty alleviation: a potential synergy ? Biodiversity, 12, 108-115
59. Ungvari-Zrinyi I., 2014, Spirituality as
motivation and perspective for a socially responsible entrepreneurship, World
Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sust. Development, 10, 4-15
61. Wong,
S., 2013, Using religious capital to
alleviate poverty? A case study of cross-border migration in south China. In G.
Carbonnier (Ed.), International Development Policy: Religion and
Development(pp.174-191). Geneva: Graduate Institute of Geneva.
Tipologia valoarilor capitalului natural
62. Arias-Arevallor
P., Martin-Lopez B., Gomez-Baggethun E., 2017, Exploring intrinsic,
instrumental, and relational values for sustainable management of
social-ecological systems, Ecology and Society, 22, 43,
63. Arias-Arevalo
P., Gomez-Baggethun E., Martin-Lopez B., Perez-Rincon M., 2018, Widening the
evaluative space for ecosystem services : a taxonomy of plural values and
valuation methods, 27, 29-53
65. Chan
K., Balvanera P., Benessaiah K., Chapman M., Díaz S., Gómez-Baggethun E., Gould
R. K., Hannahs N., Jax K., Klain S. C., Luck G. W., Martin-Lopez B., Muraca B.,
Norton B., Ott K., Pascual U., Satterfield T., Tadaki M., Taggart J., Nancy T.,
2016, Why protect nature? Rethinking values and the environment, Proc Natl Acad
Sci U S A, 113, 1462-1465
66. Deliege
G., Neteleers S., 2015, Should biodiversity be useful ? Scope and limits of
ecosystem services as an argument for biodiversity conservation, Environmental
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67. Pascual
U., Balvanera P., Díaz S., Pataki G., Roth E., Stenseke M., Watson R. T.,
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Wickson F., Yagi N., 2017, Valuing nature’s contributions to people: the IPBES
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68. Schroter
M, van Oudenhoven P. E., 2016, Ecosystem services go beyond money and markets:
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Costuri de tranzacție
69. Barua
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70. Garrick
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of water markets and allocation policy: a transaction costs analysis framework,
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71. Marshall
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72. Naidoo
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73. Perez-Blanco
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74. Phan
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75. Pujol
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76. Rey
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77. Shahab
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Co-producție -aspecte generale
78. Auh S., Bell S. J., McLeod C. S., Shih E.,
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79. Brandsen
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82. Verschuere B., Brandsen T., Pestoff V.,
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Co-producția serviciilor ecosistemice
83. Gissi
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Co-producție a planurilor, politicilor și programelor pentru dezvoltare
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