

luni, 30 octombrie 2017

O bibliografie despre rezilienţa sistemelor socio-ecologice

Bibliografia pregătită pentru studenţii anului III ecologie din anul universitar 2017-2018 poate fi descărcată (lista şi arhiva articolelor şi cărţilor în format pdf) apăsând pe imaginea de mai jos (peisajul academic al domeniilor ştiinţifice care se ocupă de rezilienţă, Xu şi Kajikava 2017):


1.      Allen C. R., D. G. Angeler, A. S. Garmestani, L. H. Gunderson, C. S. Holling, 2014, Panarchy : Theory and Application, Ecosystems, 17: 578-589
2.      Angeler D. G., C. R. Allen, A. S. Garmestani, L. H. Gunderson, I. Linkov, 2016, Panarchy use in environmental science, Environ Syst Decis, 36 : 225-228
3.      Angeler D. G., C. R. Allen, C. Barichievy, T. Eason, şi colab., 2016, Management applications of dicontinuity theory, Journal of Applied Ecology, 53: 688-698
4.      Baho D. L., C. R. Allen, A. Garmestani, H Fried-Petersen, S. E. Renes, L. Gunderson, D. G. Angeler, 2017, A quantitative framework for assessing ecological resilience, 2017, Ecology and Society, 22(3): 17
5.      Bene C., L. Mehta, G. McGranahan, T. Cannon, J. Gupte, T. Tanner, 2017, Resilience as a policy narrative: potentials and limits in the context of urban planning, Climate and Development,
6.      Berkes F., H. Ross, 2016, Panarchy and community resilience: Sustainability science and policy implication, Environmental Science & Policy, 61: 185-193
7.      Borret S. R., M. Carter, D. E. Hines, 2016, Six general ecosystem properties are more intense in biogeochemical cycling networks than food webs, Journal of Complex Networks, 4: 575-603
8.      Bundschuh M., R. Schulz, R. B. Schafer, C. R. Allen, D. G. Angeler, Resilience in ecotoxicology: toward a multiple equilibrium concept, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36(10): 2574-2580
9.      Cai Q., J. Liu, 2016, The robustness of ecosystems to the species loss of community, Scientific Report, 6: 35904
10.  Chaffin B. C., A. S. Garmestani, L. H. Gunderson, M. H. Benson, D. G. Angeler, C. A Arnold, B. Cosens, R. K. Craig, J. B. Ruhl, C. R. Allen, 2016, Transformative Environmental Governance, Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 41: 399-423
11.  Chang N.-B., D. Wen, 2017, Enhanced resilience and resistance assessment with virtual ecoexergy for a subtropical lake ecosystem under the intermittent impact of hurricanes and droughts, Ecological Informatics, 39: 68-83
12.  Craig R. K., A. S. Garmestani, C. R. Allen, C. A. Arnold, H. Birge, D. A. DeCaro, A. K. Fremier, H. Gosnell, E. Schlager, 2017, Balancing stability and flexibility in adaptive governance: an analysis of tools available in U.S. environmental law, Ecology and Society, 22: 3
13.  Cumming G. S., C. R. Allen, 2017, Protected areas as social-ecological systems: perspectives from resilience and social-ecological systems theory, Ecological Applications, 27: 1709-1717
14.  De Bruijin K., J. Buurman J., M. Mens, R. Dahm, F. Klijn, 2017, Resilience in practice : Five principles to enable societies to cope with extreme weather events, Environmental Science & Policy, 70: 21-30
15.  Duveneck M. J., R. M. Scheller, 2016, Measuring and managing resistance and resilience under climate change in norhern Great Lake forests (USA), Landscape Ecology, 31: 669-686
16.  Eason T., A. S. Garmestani, C. A. Stow, C. Rojo, M. Alvarez-Cobelas, H. Cabezas, 2016, Managing resilience: an information theory-based approach to assessing ecosystems, 53: 656-665
17.  Fischer J., D. B. Lindenmayer, S. P. Blomberg, R. Montague-Drake, A. Felton, J. A. Stein, 2007, Functional richness and relative resilience of bird communities in regions with different land use intensities, 10: 964-974
18.  Gorg C., U. Brand, H. Haberl, D. Hummel, T. Jahn, S. Liehr, 2017, Challenges for cocial-ccological transformations: contributions from social and political ecology, Sustainability, 9, 1045
19.  Hibbard K. A., D. S. Schimel, S. Archer, D. S. Ojima, W. Parton, 2003, Grassland to woodland transitions: integrating changes in landscape structure and biogeochemistry, Ecological Applications, 13: 911-926
20.  Holdshlag A., B. M. W. Ratter, Sozial-okologishe Systemdynamik in der Panarchie, Geographische Zeitscrhift, 104: 183-211
21.  Hummel D., T. Jahn, F. Keil, S. Liehr, I Stiess, 2017, Social ecology as critical, transdisciplinary science – conceptualizing, analyzing and shaping societal relations to nature, 9: 1050
22.  Limburg K. E., R. V. O’Neill, R. Constanza, S. Farber, 2002, Complex systems and valuation, Ecological Economics, 41: 409-420
23.  Ludwig M., P. Wilmes, S. Schrader, 2017, Measuring soil sustainability via soil resilience, Science of the Total Environment,
24.  Marchese D., E. Reynolds, M. E. Bates, H. Morgan, S. S. Clark, I. Linkov, Resilience and sustainability: similarities and differences in environmental management applications, Science of the Total Environment, 613-614: 1275-1283
25.  Matarrita-Cascante D., B. Trejos, H. Qin, D. Joo, S. Debner, 2017, Conceptualizing community resilience : revisiting conceptual distinctions, Community Development, 48: 105-123
26.  Meerow S., J. P. Newell, M. Stults, 2016, Defining urban resilience: a review, Landscape and Urban Planning, 147: 38-49
27.  Peterson G. D., 2002, Estimating resilience across landscapes, Ecology and Society, 6: 17
28.  Platt S., D. Brown, M. Hughes, 2016, Measuring resilience and recovery, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 19: 447-460
29.  Quinlan A. E., M. Berbes-Blazquez, L. Jamila Haider, G. D. Peterson, 2015, Measuring and assessing resilience : broadening understanding through multiple disciplinary perspectives, Journal of Applied Ecology, 53: 677-687
30.  Sawe F., J. Hultman, 2017, Two sustainability epistemologies in the marketization of a natural resource, Environmental Policy and Governance, DOI:10.1002/eet.1784
31.  Seppelt R., 2003, Computer-Based Environmental Management, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
32.  Sharifi A., A critical review of selected tools for assessing community resilience, Ecological Indicators, 69: 629-647
33.  Souza A. A. A., M. F. R. Alves, N. Macini, 2017, Resilience for sustainability as an eco-capacity, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 9: 581-599
34.  Timpane-Padgham B. L., T. Beechie, T. Klinger, 2017, A systematic review of ecological attributes that confer resilience to climate change in environmental restoration, PLOS One, PLOS One, 1/journal.pone.0173812
35.  Turner M. G., 1989, Landscape ecology: the effect of pattern on process, Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst., 20: 171-197
36.  Verissimo H., T. Verdelhos, A. Baeta, P. van der Linden, A. C. Garcia, J. C. Marques, 2017, Comparison   of   thermodynamic-oriented  indicators   and   trait-based indices   ability  to   track   environmental  changes:  Response  of   benthic macroinvertebrates  to   management  in   a  temperate   estuary, Ecological indicators, 73 : 809-824
37.  Xu L., Y. Kajikava, 2017, An integrated framework for resilience research: a systematic review based on citation network analysis, Sustainability Science, DOI 10.1007/s11625-017-0487-4

38.  Zurlini G., N. Zacarelli, I. Petrosillor, 2005, Multi-scale resilience estimates for health assessment of real habitats in a landscape, în S. E. Jorgensen, R. Constanza, F.-L. Xu (editori) Handbook of ecological indicators for assessment of ecosystem health, CRC Press, Boca-Raton, 305-332